Almost 100% Outdoors!
Except for the occasional indoor use, our program is all outdoors - rain or shine!
4 Days per Week
Monday - Thursday from 9:00 - 12:00
we follow the LAUSD Calendar
Perfect for Growing Minds and Bodies
Offering programs for ages 2.5 to 5 years

9:00 am
Students begin to arrive and participate in activity centers in the front yard. These centers often include a messy option, drawing and writing, fine-motor skill development, imaginary play, and gross-motor development.
9:15 am
Morning Meeting
Led by our fabulous teachers and director, students and parents sing, share, and get their minds and bodies ready for the day.
9:25 am
Front Yard Exploration
The morning is spent exploring our different activity centers as well as our library and dramatic arts sheds!
10:10 am
Circle Time
A beloved part of each day - all gather together to celebrate birthdays, helping parents, our "snack friend" (whoever brought snack that day), and so much more. This is the core of our community buidling at school.
10:25 am
Snack Time
Brought by one of our students and their family, students share a little meal family-style. We use this shared eating experience to grow patience, conversation skills, gratitude, and respect for others.
10:45 am
Back Yard Exploration
Usually involving water, bubbles, mud and dirt, back yard time is filled with problem solving and creativity. Students get to use our various pieces of outdoor equipent including the swing set, climbing structures, obstacle courses, sand box, bike and trike path, mud kitchen, and play houses.
11:50 am
Tic-Tok Time
We wrap up our day together with sharing, reading and singing. At the end of each day, we say a special thanks to the working parents.
12:00 pm
Good Bye!
Students are dismissed. Older students are offered extended day options twice a week and can stay until 1:15pm.